where Church is a Family
Easter Programme
The full Easter Programme is available to download here
Upcoming Events
Stations of the Cross
The last Journey of our Lord will be commemorated on Friday’s during Lent.
There are two options:
10:15 - before the 11 am mass
6pm - in place of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Seeing as a child - Spirituality of Storytelling
Anne Booth
22 March, 10.00am - 3.00pm
Jesus tells us to be like children, but what does this mean? Anne Booth, author of books for both children and adults, explores how story telling can help us in our own spiritual journey, and how looking at our life’s narrative through a child’s eyes can help us draw closer to Jesus, the teller of parables. This day will use stories as a jumping off place for meditation and prayer.
Anne is a married mum of four, with an MA in Children’s Literature and another in Creative Writing and a postgraduate diploma in Pastoral Theology from Heythrop College. She is an author of more than twenty-five books for children and two novels for adults, published by Penguin Harvill Secker, and believes in the power of storytelling, and the use of fiction to help our relationship with God. She is a passionate fan of Children’s Book illustration and, as well as working on future books, is currently studying part-time for an MA in Children’s Book Illustration at Anglia Ruskin College, Cambridge.
To register, please email cockfosters@rcdow.org.uk (or phone the Parish Office)
Suggested donation: £30/Concessions £20/ Lunch is provided
Christ the King Playgroup
Every Thursday - 9.30-11am in the Large Hall
Playgroup is now back in business!!!
Adoration of the blessed sacrament with music and meditations
Adoration and confession are available each weekday, Monday to Friday between 6 and 7pm.
On Wednesdays adoration will include music and meditation.
The Chemin Neuf Community offers retreats in a variety of formats throughout the year. They last from one day to seven days, they take place away in a retreat house or in your neighbourhood, or even at home via the Internet. All are rooted in Ignatian Spirituality.
For more information and to see what is coming up at Storrington and Sclerder Abbey’s please use the link below