Newsletter - 2 March 2025

Let us journey together in hope

Dear brothers and sisters,

This Lent, as we share in the grace of the Jubilee Year, I propose to reflect on what it means to journey together in hope, and on summons to conversion.

First of all, to journey. The Jubilee motto, “Pilgrims of Hope”, evokes the lengthy journey of the people of Israel to the Promised Land.  This arduous path from slavery to freedom was willed and guided by the Lord.  We think of those fleeing situations of misery and violence in search of a better life.  A first call to conversion comes from the realisation that all of us are pilgrims in this life.  Am I on a journey, or am I standing still, not moving, either immobilised by fear and hopelessness or reluctant to move out of my comfort zone?  Am I seeking ways to leave behind the occasions of sin and situations that degrade my dignity?

Second, to journey together.  Christians are called to walk at the side of others, and never as lone travellers.  The Holy Spirit impels us not to remain self-absorbed, but to leave ourselves behind and keep walking towards God and our brothers and sisters.  Journeying together means walking side-by-side, without shoving or stepping on others, without envy or hypocrisy, without letting anyone be left behind or excluded.  This Lent, God is asking us to examine whether we are capable of walking together with others, listening to them, resisting the temptation to become self-absorbed and to think only of our own needs.

Third, let us journey together in hope, for we have been given a promise. May the hope that does not disappoint (Rm 5:5), the central message of the Jubilee, be the focus of our Lenten journey.  Christ, my hope, has risen!  The faith and great hope of Christians rests in the resurrection of Christ!  The third call to conversion is a call to hope, to trust in God and his great promise of eternal life.  Am I convinced that the Lord forgives my sins?  Or do I act as if I can save myself?  Thanks to God’s love in Jesus Christ, we are sustained in hope.

Hope is the “sure and steadfast anchor of the soul”.  It moves the Church to pray for “everyone to be saved” (1 Tim 2:4) and to look forward to her being united with Christ.  “Hope, O my soul, hope.  You know neither the day nor the hour.  Watch carefully, for everything passes quickly, even though your impatience makes doubtful what is certain, and turns a very short time into a long one” (St Teresa of Avila).

Pope Francis

Focus of the Week


The next Pray and Play session will be Sunday 2 March starting with the 11:00am Family Mass followed by games and activities in the small hall.  It is the Sunday before Ash Wednesday so we will make Mardi Gras masks, have a pinata, eat crepes and generally have a wild time!  We will also offer some suggestions for observing Lent in your family. This is for children of all ages along with their parents.



The Holy Year invites us to be ‘Pilgrims of Hope’.  We invite  you to consider supporting work being done in the Diocese of Westminster to bring hope into many lives. Your contributions will help fund vital projects across our Diocese, including Youth & Evangelisation, Social Action, Marriage & Family Life and Catholic Education Initiatives.


Newsletter - 9 March 2025


Newsletter - 23 February 2025