Newsletter - 9 March 2025

Lent Journeys: A Video series for Lent

Lent is a beautiful season in the church calendar. Jesus went into the desert for 40 days and the Church uses 40 days to prepare for Easter. It's a journey. We ask the Lord to work in us, to draw us closer to him and what he wants for our lives.

To help you with your Lent journey, we will be offering testimonies of other people’s journeys. Each Wednesday of Lent, beginning with the 12 March, we will make available on the parish website a 5-10 minute video interview with a parishioner about their unique journey:

  • Moushmi shares her journey from Hinduism to Christianity.

  • Jo’s life changed forever when the Benedictine Dom Edmond asked her to compose a psalm.

  • Anne Charlotte gave birth to a son with a severe developmental delay which transformed her and her whole family.

  • Georges and Olga, refugees from Ukraine, arrived at our parish and found a home.

  • Rena was led by God to our parish Alpha course after an online search. Like millions of people in the world, this simple video series changed her life.

For the theme of the Jubilee year 2025, Pope Francis chose: Pilgrims of Hope. You will learn that each of these parishioners embodies this theme. Their lives reflect the presence of God often through difficult times. God is always leading us to more so we can be pilgrims of hope.

You can go directly to the parish web page on Wednesdays or wait until Friday when the link will come with the newsletter. If you aren’t receiving the weekly newsletter by email, this would be a good time to submit your email address to the Parish Office and get on the mailing list.

As you start your own journey through Lent to Easter, may you experience expectation and hope for where God might take you this year.

Nancy Wood, ccn

Focus of the Week


As in previous years the Stations of the Cross will be recited each Friday in Lent.



On Wednesday 12 March at 11am we are holding a Mass with anointing of the sick. Those who would like to receive this Sacrament are welcome.


Newsletter - 16 March 2025


Newsletter - 2 March 2025