Newsletter - 16 March 2025
“We are going up to Jerusalem”
During Lent we journey with Jesus, not only to face temptation for 40 days in the wilderness, but also to “go up to Jerusalem” where Jesus will suffer, die, and rise again after 3 days. It is the journey that takes us to the heart of our faith which we celebrate each year at Easter.
“Going up to Jerusalem” was a common practice in ancient Israel. The phrase is found more than 100 times in Scripture. It was a joyful occasion - a pilgrimage to the Temple (or “House of the Lord”) for one of the great Jewish feasts where one hoped to encounter the Lord.
‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. – Is 2:3
Jesus went up to Jerusalem many times during his life - from childhood to his final trip which was the culmination of his earthly ministry. For this final trip, he bid his disciples, both then and now, to go with him.
He took the twelve aside and said to them, ‘See, we are going up to Jerusalem, where everything written about the Son of Man by the prophets will be accomplished. He will be handed over to the Gentiles; mocked, insulted, and spat upon. After they have flogged him, they will kill him, and on the third day he will rise again.’ – Lk 18:31-33
Understandably, his words brought horror and disbelief to his disciples – “they understood nothing about these things” (Lk 18:34). They went with him, not because they understood, but because they were his disciples who had learned to follow him wherever he went.
For us too, it is as an incomprehensible journey. Even though we stand on the other side of these events, knowing what his first disciples could not know, we also find ourselves “understanding nothing of these things.” The only way forward is to get up and go with Jesus to Jerusalem. The joy of the risen Christ is only found on the other side of Good Friday.
This Lenten journey up to Jerusalem with Jesus is thus a great grace. It takes us where we would rather not go, so that we might see and believe what we could not know in any other way – the ultimate triumph over suffering and death accomplished by Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Photo: Model of Jerusalem from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Deacon Ted Wood, ccn
Focus of the week
Given the financial deficit of the parish and the recent expenses relating to the boilers, pumps and general heating of the parish we are encouraging those who are already donating to consider gift aid.
If you are a tax payer you can increase your gift and donation by gift aiding it for:
Mass Intentions
Church maintenance / Building fund
First Holy Communion
For example for every £10 gift aided the parish receives £2.50 as a tax rebate at no extra cost to you.
Simply put your gift and completed ‘tear off slip’ in the Gift Aid Envelope and post it through the parish letter box.
GIFT AID envelopes are available near the office window for you to use and help is available at the Parish Office should you need any guidance.
You are welcome to take a few home and pre-fill them for the next use.
During Lent this year we will be offering video testimonies of journeys taken by people in our parish. This week we hear from Moushmi, whose path took her from Hinduism to Christ. Click on: Lent Journeys, Video 1.