Worship is like the roots of the tree and it’s how we take our energy. Without prayer, Christian life becomes weak or dry. We encourage parishioners to pray by themselves and with others.
“For me the worship at Christ the King is one of the highlights of being part of the church community. I really enjoy the varied music at the 11am Sunday Mass and the singing at the Net for God worship group on Tuesdays. It lifts my spirits!”

Pray with Others
The Parish of Christ the King provides a number of ways that parishioners can come together to pray with others. They include:
The Monday Night Prayer Group on Saturday afternoons on zoom.
We have been meeting every week since 1972, when we were set up by Dom Benedict Heron OSB as an ecumenical charismatic prayer group; many thousands have benefited over this time.
Our meetings are on Zoom at 2.30 pm every Saturday and we continue to have inspiring meetings; The Holy Spirit works well on Zoom! People of all ages and all denominations find both encouragement and fellowship; healings also continue to take place. Zoom allows people to join easily from all over the UK and from abroad and new members are most welcome – just ask for the link via the button below.
We attract inspiring outside speakers. our regulars include : Fiona Castle, Rev.Canon Mike Pilavachi, Rev. Paul Cowley, Lin Button, Rev.John Ryeland, Pastor Alex, Charles Whitehead, Jenny Baker, Rev.Henry Kendal, Rev.John Coles, Baroness Cox, etc
The Net for God Prayer Group on Tuesdays at 8pm.
This is held every Tuesday evening to praise and listen to the Word of God. This will take place every Tuesday and will be held in the church.
This is a space where people from all walks of life come together to pray, practice charisms and listen to the Word of God.
The Cockfosters Centre for Spirituality.
Our Spirituality Centre was founded in the Benedictine traditions of hospitality, mutual respect and a search for God, and we now embrace all aspects of Christian spirituality. In the confusion of our everyday life we need moments to pause and listen to the gentle voice of God, and in doing so find ourselves too.
Our programme of evening and day courses offers opportunities to learn and share with others. See programme here or visit the parish calendar.
The Rosary is said before the 11am weekday Masses.
Personal Prayer
We really encourage our parish members to come and pray at the church. It is opened every day of the week between 9am and 7pm, and on Sundays until 12:30pm.
The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every day between 6 and 7pm.

“Happy are those whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night. They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.”