‘Discipleship’ is all about finding your own way of being a disciple of Jesus in your everyday life. Some need to strengthen their knowledge of their faith, some their marriage or family life, others just need to get some distance from their daily life and go on a retreat...
Like the branches of a tree, each one finds its own way with God.

“We rediscovered our faith when we arrived in UK more than 6 years ago.
When we first came to the mass at Christ the King, we were touched by the church, the life and joy that arise from parishioners.
Since we’ve followed Cana Welcome program, our journey helped our couple and our family to share Jesus gospel with our friends and family more confidently. The exchange with others help us to go deeper in the understanding of our Christian life.
In all honesty, discipleship isn’t an easy journey but we find this important because we feel less judged, more open and free in our heart.”
Spiritual Talks and Courses
The parish has regular events that develop a greater understanding of Christian faith and of the life of the Church. They help foster a mature outlook on faith and on our world. These include the Alpha Course, Bible studies, Net for God videos, conferences of the Cockfosters Centre for Sprituality etc.
Checkout the full Calendar of the parish.

Bible Study
Each year the parish will offer a number of weekly Bible study series (each about six weeks in length). The topics will vary - readings for Sunday Mass, a book or theme of the Bible.
This Autumn’s Bible Study will be on Thursdays, 8-9:15 pm, from Sept 23 to Nov 11.
The meetings on line via Zoom
The sessions will be lead by Deacon Ted Wood and Adrian Hegarty
To register please use the button below or contact the parish office leaving your name and e-mail address.
Couples and Families
We encourage couples to take time out to take care of themselves and their families. We are happy to support the Cana Programme that provides a number of tools for this purpose. The parish can support you to get involved with Cana and find what is useful for you.

“Jesus said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to him, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where he was staying, and they remained with him that day. ”
Retreats: set a time aside for God
The parish offers the opportunity to attend retreats throughout the year. They are usually held 3 or 4 times a year - including Advent and Lent - and usually take place at Christ the King. These stretch across a week, and include daily contact with a spiritual companion and guidance on developing personal prayer.
There are also opportunities to attend as individuals; retreats are run throughout the year by the Chemin Neuf Community at Storrington Priory (West Sussex) or at Sclerder Abbey (Cornwall). These retreats have different duration and focus. Click below to know more.

Each year, the parish offers a pilgrimage to an uplifting spiritual place: Holy Land, Lourdes, Rome etc. These will be advertised in due course.
Annually, parishioners are invited to join ‘Be the Church’ Festival in France during August. It’s a great opportunity to deepen our relationships with the Lord and with one another. Learn more about ‘Be the Church’.