Ministry is like the leaves of a tree, it is a sign of good health of our parish community!
Volunteering is not just about being involved, it is highly spiritual and has deep meaning. There are three ways in which one can serve the parish community: helping contribute to the mass, especially on Sundays, joining a parish group as a helper, lending a hand for the everyday running of the parish.
“Being part of the Welcome Team ministry is a real blessing. Sharing a smile, a hello or a welcome, helps each parishioner feel part of the parish family and I feel rewarded with a sense of belonging. It is amazing how such a small act can make such a difference. ”
Volunteering for Sundays and Worship
There are so many ways to help us worship together. These include stewarding, playing music, making coffee, supporting children’s liturgy etc. We are sure there is something that will fit your own talents.

Volunteer in a Parish Group
There are a number of groups in the parish that would welcome some support to run their programmes. For instance Mothers & Toddlers, Our Commmon Home, CAFOD etc.
Keep the Parish Ticking Over
There are a number of activities that take place behind the scenes, that need your support. These include the maintenance of the church buildings and grounds, managing finances and fundraising projects, providing livestreaming, website etc. If you have a specific skill that could be helpful, we would be delighted to hear from you!
The parish does not pay, but we have good fun :-)

“There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.”