Parish Groups
We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore faith, ask questions, and share their point of view.
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.
“Being Together” Club
The BT Club normally runs weekly sessions providing parishioners who are retired, approaching retirement or feel they would enjoy the company of others, to meet socially and build friendships.
CANA Welcome
For all couples, married or not and particularly for young married couples, young parents, those who want to build the foundations of a solid couple and those who have been together for a long time and who want to take more time for their couple.
Cana Welcome is a programme proposed in a parish at a rhythm of one evening per month and one weekend during the year. The evenings take place in small sharing groups of four or five couples and are lead by an experienced couple.
Catholic Women’s League
The Catholic Women’s League is a national organisation with branches and sections all over England and Wales. Our motto is “Charity, Work and Loyalty”, and the section’s grass roots members are usually based in parishes and work within their church in the various ministries. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month. We often have speakers covering many topics as well as social activity and good company. New members always welcome.
Contact: Mary Jackson
Cockfosters Centre for Spirituality
Our Spirituality Centre was founded in the Benedictine traditions of hospitality, mutual respect and a search for God, and we now embrace all aspects of Christian spirituality. In the confusion of our everyday life we need moments to pause and listen to the gentle voice of God, and in doing so find ourselves too.
Our programme of evening and day courses offers opportunities to learn and share with others. See programme here or visit the parish calendar.
Cockfosters Sharing Group
In our Parish we emphasise the importance of fellowship and we have a number of small sharing groups to support this - Cockfosters Sharing Groups (CSGs). We believe that a Christian community is strengthened by supporting one another in friendship and prayer. Sharing our joys and difficulties helps us to build a strong Christian community.
Knights of St Columba
We are a national brotherhood of Roman Catholic laymen dedicated to helping the work of the church and its priests, particularly in the areas of welfare, social events, youth work and the support of charitable causes. Our local group (Council 500, Cockfosters and South Herts) is active in many areas of parish life. New members are welcome.
Contact: Rodney Newton
Monday Night Prayer Group
We have been meeting every week since 1972, when we were set up by Dom Benedict Heron OSB as an ecumenical charismatic prayer group; many thousands have benefited over this time.
Our meetings are on Zoom at 2.30 pm every Saturday and we continue to have inspiring meetings; The Holy Spirit works well on Zoom!
Our Common Home
The “Our Common Home” team met for the first time in February 2020 to discuss ways that the parish could operate more simply and sustainably. It has been looking at ways to live sustainably with creation and to live in solidarity with the poor.
Contact: Helena Worley or Tony Kramer
Visiting Group
Every Friday there is a meeting of Extraordinary Ministers who are aware of the needs of the sick in the parish. Holy Communion is taken to as many of these in need as possible. Apart from the spiritual aspect of these visits, they provide a welcome break in routine to the housebound.
Contact: Maureen Mogg
Young Adults 18-30s
Twice a month on a Thursday evening, our Young Adults group gathers students and young professionals for a fun dinner, followed by an opportunity to share with each other and grow in our faith. The gatherings start at 6.30pm and run no later than 9:30pm.
Youth Group
The Youth Group meets every other week on a Sunday between 5.30 and 7.30pm in the Cabin with a Mass once a month (term time only).
Participants will have the possibility to take part in fun activities, have time to chill out and chat with other peers, get involved in sharing groups and conclude the event with a closing prayer. Snacks and soft drinks will be provided. A reminder about the starting of the youth group will also be sent to our young parishioners who already joined our Parish WhatsApp youth group. Look out for other events on the parish calendar.