Catholic Women’s League
A Word from the Chairman
Cockfosters Section has been established in the Parish for over 60 years and is part of the CWL Westminster Branch.
We have a membership in the region of 20 Ladies from the Parish, (always on the look out for more)!! We meet every second Wednesday of the month in the Parish Small Hall.
We offer Spiritual Support – Group Rosary, Suggested Daily Prayers & Bible Readings, information on appropriate TV Channels. In addition we offer practical help where we can, such as the collection of medicines, posting of mail, delivery of newspapers & some food shopping.
We have guest speakers covering a wide spectrum from religious, local and national topics. In addition we have trips to the theatre and other churches. We work closely with the BT Club
Cockfosters Section undertakes a variety of charitable works & fundraising activities. Here are just a few of them;- catering, cake making, crafting of beautiful items, helping our ladies who need it, with arranging and getting to hospital appointments, filing in complicated forms etc and visiting our sick members. CWL encourages its members to work both within the Parish & the wider community.
Cockfosters Section meets on every second Wednesday of the month, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in the small hall. Ladies from the Parish are very welcome to come along for tea/cake and a chat.
If you would like to know more about CWL, in particular, more details of the work we do, here in Cockfosters Section, please contact me via the contact button bellow or leave your details at the Parish Office.
We always looking for new members.
Mary Jackson, Chairman
CWL was founded in Brighton in 1906 under the then name of League of Catholic Women Workers. It was founded by Margaret Fletcher.
CWL received recognition from The British, French & Belgian Governments during/after WW1 & was to be found in every theatre of war in WW11.
Brave Ladies risked their lives on a regular basis, dispensing tea, kind words & basic first aid from there famous Tea Huts – especially the mobile ones. A total of 36 CWL ladies received A British war medal in their sole right, with many more mentioned in dispatches.