Newsletter - 23 March 2025

The Annunciation of Mary

The Annunciation is recorded in the Gospel of Luke (1:26-38) and is celebrated in the liturgical calendar on 25 March.

The Church teaches that Mary’s consent was essential to the plan of salvation, although it does not imply that God was dependent on her will; rather, her acceptance was foreseen in God’s eternal plan.

Mary’s response during the Annunciation serves as a rich source of inspiration and guidance for Christians. Her acceptance of God’s will encourages believers in various aspects of faith, obedience and discipleship.

Faith in the face of uncertainty

“How can this be, since I have no husband?”. Despite Mary’s uncertainty, she ultimately chooses to trust in God’s promise, demonstrating that faith often involves embracing the unknown. This encourages us to maintain faith even when circumstances seem unclear or challenging.

Obedience to God’s will

Mary’s fiat, “Let it be done to me according to your word”. This obedience is not merely passive acceptance but an active and willing submission to the divine plan. It teaches us the importance of surrendering our own desires and plans in favour of God’s greater purpose.

Model of discipleship

Mary is often referred to as the first disciple of Christ. Her willingness to accept God’s plan and her subsequent journey of faith exemplify what it means to be a true follower of Christ. This encourages us to emulate her example, embracing our role in the Church and the world with commitment and love.

The importance of listening

Mary’s attentiveness to the angel’s message underscore the importance to listening to God’s word. Her response was rooted in her ability to hear and understand the divine message, which is a crucial aspect of prayer and worship. This teaches us the value of being open and receptive to God’s guidance in our lives.

Through the Annunciation we are invited to deepen our relationship with God and to respond generously to His call in our lives. If we say our “Yes!” to God, whether for a big life change, in a short prayer for a faithful day, or to devote our time to actively serving others, He will provide for us. When we become a willing instrument of

His Grace, we die to our selfishness and worry, to become a better apostle of Christ in our communities.

Caterina Schifano

Focus of the week


During Lent this year we will be offering video testimonies of journeys taken by people in our parish. This week we hear from Jo. Video two is available from the Parish Website (front page).


St Monica’s, Palmers Green are delighted to welcome RISE Theatre, a professional Christian theatre company, who will be performing their Passion Play in the Church Large Hall on Saturday 29 March at 2.30pm. Come and experience the Gospel, particularly the events of Holy Week. Performance lasts approximately 60 minutes and is suitable for adults and children 11+. For tickets (£10, cons £8) visit or call Anna on 07532 374291 at St Monica’s. Why not make this one of your prayer devotions this Lent.


Newsletter - 16 March 2025