Newsletter - 23 February 2025

My Praise and Worship Journey

According to Psalm 69:30 when we Praise God, we glorify and magnify Him. Through music and dance, we honour His love, tenderness, and power. However, Worship is a conversation that involves listening and seeking God for direction (Psalm 25:4-5). It includes submitting our hearts, aspirations, and desires to God (Psalm 37:4).

That said, what do praise and worship personally mean for me? Initially, I wasn’t sure but Fr Christophe pointed me towards music ministry by suggesting to attend a worship music leadership course. There I met amazing people – my mentor provided the spiritual input, and an assessor for the more technical side of the role. I realised that you don't have to be a professional musician or a theologian to be a worshiper. My own gift is enough. After completing the course, I felt a real desire to grow as a worshiper and to draw others to the love of God.

Worship for me is not only singing, dancing and the clapping of hands; it is an integral part of my relationship with God. Sometimes I have experienced moments of incomprehensible joy and happiness that I wanted to share with others, proclaiming out loud how good and merciful God is. After a busy day the best reward for me is the moment that I devote only to him.

The idea of organising an evening of praise and worship for all people/denominations in our church was born over one year ago when I went to a Kari Jobe concert. Seeing people singing and praising the Lord aroused a desire in my heart to organise this event in our church. But I didn’t feel ready for the challenge, feeling in prayer that it was beyond my capability. Focusing on myself and not on God was my mistake! However, the desire was so strong that I started to think seriously about it.

In prayer, I said to God: ‘’if it’s your will, so be it’’ I trust in you that You will provide what I need to be able to organise this event. You will open the doors. Scripture says: “Ask and it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7) .... .and He has provided!!

Thanks to many friends from the church and Fr. Pascal, a worship event will take place on 8 March 2025 in Christ the King where we would like to invite everyone to pray together and praise the Lord.

Thank you for your support.

Ewelina Seweryn

Focus of the Week


Save the date! 8 March 2025, from 7pm in the church.

The parish of Christ the King is holding a worship event.  It will include music, prayer and solidarity. You’re all invited to join us in praise and worship of God organised and led by Ewelina, Davide and Jo, along with an incredible group of musicians.

Everyone is invited. The Lord welcomes all! 

We look forward to a wonderful spiritual time together.

Notices of the Week

Download the newsletter to check out the notices of the week

Bidding Prayers

Volunteer for the Parish

Finance Report 2024


Newsletter - 2 March 2025


Newsletter - 16 February 2025