Newsletter - 19 January 2025

“The Hidden Treasure” – Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist

Pope John Paul was asked “What was the most important day of your life?”    His answer will surprise most of us – not the day he was ordained as a priest or chosen to be Pope, but “the day of my baptism.”  

How many of us would give this answer - a day, for which most of us have no recollection?  How could it be the most important day of our life?  Could it be that, although we have been baptised, we have not fully understood or appreciated its significance?

In the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, children are taught that baptism is a “hidden treasure” which can take years to discover.  They learn that in their baptism they received a “shower of gifts.” 

The same can be said of Confirmation and Eucharist, which along with Baptism, lay the foundation of our Christian faith. To discover anew, or perhaps for the first time, the “hidden treasure” of these sacraments is a wonderful way to renew and deepen our faith.

An Invitation to the parish:

For many years, the Church has taught these three sacraments during Lent as the final phase of catechesis for those to be baptised or received into the Catholic Church at Easter.   This year all parishioners are invited to participate in this Lenten period of preparation.  You will journey with and offer support to those preparing for baptism at Easter. 

These sessions are intended for anyone looking to renew or deepen their faith.  All are welcome but a special invitation is extended to those who have completed the Alpha course in the autumn or previous years, and to parents with children preparing (or soon to be preparing) for Baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation.

We will meet weekly on Thursday evenings from mid-February until Easter.    If there is sufficient interest, it a second meeting time during the afternoon may be offered.  Each meeting will include teaching, Bible reflection, prayer, and small group sharing.

If you want to participate or to know more, speak to Deacon Ted or leave your contact information with the parish office.  

More specific information to follow soon.

Deacon Ted Wood, ccn

Focus of the Week


During Lent final preparations are made for those to be baptised and received into the church at Easter. These preparations focus on the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. This year a special invitation is extended to all parishioners to join in these sessions to renew and deepen your own faith.

If you would like to be baptised or received into the Catholic church or want to participate in these sessions, speak to Deacon Ted or leave your contact information at the parish office.

More details to follow.

Notices of the Week

Download the newsletter to check out the notices of the week

Bidding Prayers

Volunteer for the Parish


Newsletter - 26 January 2025


Newsletter - 12 January 2025