Newsletter -19th September 2021
This week I have sorted and sifted through a vast number of photographs that chronicle my twenty-five years working among the children, young people and families of our parish together with so many of you and four parish priests. This pile of photographs offered me not only a beautiful reminder of parishioners, of past celebrations, feasts and events but above all a deep feeling of gratitude to God for the precious time I have had serving and praying in the parish of Christ the King. A time that I will treasure in my heart always; I will continue to recall these many occasions, some very ordinary, some very special. The photo albums tell a story, a story of how God works in our lives to bring healing, joy and how easily we can become part of a Spirit filled community that strives to grow in the love of Christ in order to reach out to others. For me this encapsulates what I have experienced among you all.
So dearest parishioners, I give thanks to God for all you have done in so many various ways, to those who answered ‘yes’ to sharing their faith and talents to be catechists and to those who helped them. Thank you that you considered it an honour to be bearers of the ‘Good News’ to the children and teenagers. Thank you that you gave time and commitment to your ministry by coming each Saturday or Sunday morning to prepare the children for First Holy Communion. For the many Sunday afternoons between lunch and evening Mass to prepare the teenagers for the Sacrament of Confirmation, for Friday evening confirmation sessions.
I will look back with such fondness to the celebration Masses for First Holy Communion and the annual Confirmation Mass; the months of preparation, the joy to see the children arriving to church in their white albs and dresses, to see the teenagers in their smart outfits ready to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The catechists proud of them when they remembered to respond well and smile at the Bishop. The parties that followed.
There have been countless others of you who gave of your gifts and time with youth activities that came and went according to the needs of the time.
Next Sunday I will begin my new venture joining family in the Veneto city of Treviso with its medieval city walls, pretty canals, narrow cobbled streets and frescoed churches. Immediately north of Treviso are the rolling hills that produce prosecco, so I will be fine!
Arrividerci - until we meet again
A Presto ! soon !
May the Lord give you peace.
Focus of the week
Reception into Catholic Church
Chris Howell. Saturday 25th 5.30pm.