Newsletter - 6 October
Let’s get excited about Jesus
(The Alpha Initiative, Nicky Gumble)
It has been a blessing to be part of the Alpha team at the parish for the last few years. For ten weeks every Autumn since 2020 I have had the opportunity to share in, and witness, God at work in people’s lives.
The Alpha course is an opportunity for everyone, no matter their starting point, to explore (again) their faith. There is no ideal time to do Alpha, wherever you are in your faith journey, practicing, not practicing, not sure why you are practicing - you are welcome.
Alpha, for me, is like a check-up, or check-in, what am I doing with my life, how am I experiencing God’s love, is there more? Alpha is an opportunity to ask questions, listen to others, and their experiences, and to journey together for a few weeks. Alpha brings people together; there’s cake, there’s laughter, occasionally tears and there is always joy and a sense of God’s love, his presence, and his promise for each of us. We start Alpha with, perhaps, a little apprehension and uncertainty on week one but, inevitably, we end with joy to celebrate anew at Christmas with a new heart and new friends.
There is an energy and excitement about how God works through Alpha, not just in the lives of those who attend but also in the lives of the team who serve. This year as the team prepare and pray for those that will join us we ask you again to pray for all that are drawn to attend and we encourage you to extend the invitation to those around you knowing that people’s lives are changed by the power of God. And we thank all of you in the parish who have supported, and continue to support, the running of Alpha here at Christ the King, both practically and prayerfully.
Claire O’Brien
Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace
Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer on Monday 7 October for peace in the world especially in the Middle East given the intensity and scope of the conflict.
Focus of the Week
This year’s ALPHA Programme will begin on the evening of 10 October.
If you are interested in attending please register with the Parish Office.
The Psalms are the Bible’s prayer book. The aim of this series is to help us better understand the Psalms so we can include them more fully in our prayer life. Sessions will be offered online, Monday evenings, 7 October to 25 November, 7:30 to 9 pm. If there is sufficient interest, it will be offered in-person at the parish, Wednesday afternoons, 9 October to 27 November 3:00 to 4:30pm.
Led by Deacon Ted Wood.
To register please notify Ted or the parish office leaving name, email address, phone number and indicating if you would attend the on line or in person sessions.
Please consider a free will donation to the Parish.