Newsletter -3rd October 2021

Bringing 'Laudato Si' To Life - Prepare The Future - Go Green

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"What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up? ... " Leaving an inhabitable planet for future generations is first and foremost, up to us. The issue is one which dramatically affects us, for it has to do with the ultimate meaning of our earthly sojourn." (LS160). In 'Laudato Si'' Pope Francis shows us that integral ecology is integral to our faith.

 The result of today's culture of compulsive consumerism leads to a massive indifference of the well-to-do to the suffering of the poor and to the suffering of the land and its creatures. We need to undergo an intellectual change, a radical culture conversion. We need to go beyond our present mind set, and step into a new future, a new reality. An integral ecological reality where human beings are in partnership with nature.

Every living creature, every living organism have an intrinsic purpose and they tell us something about God. " All creatures are moving forward with us and through us towards a common point which is God, in that transcendent fullness where the risen Christ embraces and illumines all things. We are called to lead all creatures back to their Creator" (LS8.3). It is this experience of the mystical presence of God in the cosmos and the realization that all creation is interconnected that will bring about an ecological conversion. This conversion seems at times a hopeless struggle. But conversion is rarely a personal experience. Conversion is almost always something mediated by others, something that happens through others. What if all of us, energized by a spiritual fellowship, experienced an ecological conversion? A community conversion - together we can do it.

During the month of October and starting with the Creation Mass this Sunday, the Our Common Home Project Team is inviting the Parish of Christ the King:

  • to give thanks for Creation and pray for our common home

  • to donate in support of CAFOD Climate Crisis Appeal

  • to go cycling, to go plastic free, to go veggie with family and friends

  • to sign the petition - COP26 - urging our Prime Minister to show the ambition we need to end the climate crisis

  • to watch the videos in the large hall after the 11 o'clock mass on Sundays 3rd and 17th October

  • to visit the CAFOD table in the large hall after masses on Sunday 24th October

  • to keep recycling

  • to share ideas with the OCH Project Team (

  • to march for the climate in London or Glasgow on Saturday 6th November

  • to support the OCH Project Team (we need more volunteers)

  • to buy Fairtrade products

  • to visit the OCH Project Team page on the website


Our Common Home Project Team

The Cockfosters Sharing Group

The sharing group will be starting up again with an introductory meeting on the 4 October (7.30-9.15pm). The purpose of these small groups is to grow in faith through personal sharing of our lives in the light of the scriptures.

These groups are for everyone; singles, couples, divorced, elderly, young… to be part of a small group (7-10 people) meeting once every 3 or 4 weeks. All interested are requested to register online or via the Parish Office.


Starting on Thursday 7th October 7.30 – 9.15 pm, a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith will take place over ten Thursdays from October to December.

It is free of charge (though you are welcome to contribute towards the cost of the meal). Please register if you are interested.

Discover more information...


Newsletter - 10th October 2021


Newsletter -26th September 2021