Newsletter - 20th June 2021

In the boat with Jesus - making missionary disciples

“Some sailed to the seas in ships …

They have seen the Lord’s deeds,

the wonders he does in the deep.” -  Ps 106 (107)

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In Sunday’s gospel (Mark 4:35-41) Jesus and his disciples are together in a boat. This is one of many “boat scenes” in the Gospels. In the beginning Jesus calls his disciples to leave their own boats. But it is soon evident that being a disciple often will mean getting into another boat with Jesus.

What happens when Jesus gets in a boat with his disciples?   Some of the most important exchanges between Jesus and his disciples take place in a boat.   The boat scenes are found in a section of Mark’s Gospel where Jesus is preparing his disciples to be sent in mission.    To use a favourite term of Pope Francis, the boat was a place for the formation of “missionary disciples”.

To learn more about how Jesus used their time together in a boat to prepare his disciples to take up his mission, I suggest a little Bible study exercise.  This exercise will need time, so don’t try to finish it in one sitting.  Take your time to ponder and treasure these things. Read Mark 1-8 and note each time a boat in mentioned.You should find 11 references.

Study the 11 boat scenes.   What is Jesus doing with his disciples in each boat scene?  How is he preparing them to be missionary disciples?  What does each scene show us about how we can become missionary disciples today?   Make a list of these things. 

Take some boat time with Jesus.  Which boat scene(s) spoke most strongly to you? In prayer, imagine yourself in the boat with Jesus at that particular moment.  What does he say to you? What do you want to say to him? You may find it helpful to share the fruit of your study and prayer with others who have done this exercise.

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Deacon Ted Wood, ccn

Focus of the week

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First Communion Masses

Sunday 27th June & Sunday 4th July, 11.00am

Please pray for our fifteen children and their families. All the children will remain in the church on both 27th June and 4th July for the first Holy Communion 11am Mass.

Check the event in the calendar.

Parish Summer BBQ - postponed

Early September

Due to government guidelines, we have decided to postpone the parish BBQ until early September.

Keep an eye on the calendar for exact date.

Notices of the Week

Download the Newsletter to check out the notices of the week.

BT Club Quiz

Bidding Prayers


Newsletter - 27th June 2021


Newsletter - 13th June 2021