Newsletter - 6th June 2021

Thanksgiving and News

Dear Parishioners,

Such a joy to see you coming back more and more to church, such a joy to be able to have a coffee together after Mass on Sunday, such a joy to have this lovely summer time. Obviously, the pandemic isn’t over yet and we have to be careful, obviously Covid has affected our relationships with one another (social distancing; online meetings, domestic abuse…), obviously this crisis has impacted the economy and some of us have lost jobs or their business; however, we want to choose life and move forward together as a parish community and we want to be thankful to the Lord for the life he has given us. Some of you have shared with me how they have been enjoying the simple things of life after the strict lockdown. Being able to share a meal with other people for instance is one of the easiest things to do on earth, nevertheless the lockdown has helped to re-appreciate it…


Speaking about socialising, I would like to invite each one of you to a summer barbecue of the parish on Saturday 3rd July in the evening. Thanks to the CWL and BT Club who raised some money in December the meal will be offered for everyone. Don’t worry you will have the opportunity to buy your drinks and some raffle tickets. Please register online or contact the parish office.

Otherwise, I wanted to share with you some movements in the parish. First of all, Fr Jean-Sebastien after a fruitful year in the parish with us, is going back to France to become the chaplain of a secondary school in Lyon. A big thank you to Fr Jean-Sebastien for everything you have done, may the Lord bless you in your new ministry. Also, Brother Albert Zongo that many of you already know (we arrived together with Albert and Fr Sebastian in 2014) is going to come back with us in the parish as Fr Albert (he will be ordained this summer). So, a big welcome back to you Fr Albert.


Fr. Christophe Brunet, ccn

Focus of the week


Parish Summer BBQ.
Time to Celebrate!

Saturday 3rd July  6.45pm – 11.00pm

A meal will be offered to all parishioners, please register online or contact the parish office.

Learn more & Register

Contemplative Photography.jpg

CCS Event: Contemplative Photography
A New Way of Seeing

Berenice Chan, 12th June, 10.30am – 4.00pm

Come and find how photography can help you connect with yourself and with God. You will learn how to approach taking photos in a contemplative way and be given time to practice this.

Check the event in the calendar.

Notices of the Week

Download the Newsletter to check out the notices of the week.

BT Club Quiz

Bidding Prayers


Newsletter - 13th June 2021


Newsletter - 30th of May 2021