Contemplative photography: a new way of seeing
Come and find how photography can help you connect with yourself and with God. You will learn how to approach taking photos in a contemplative way and be given time to practice this. Then you will be shown how to pray with one of your images. Please bring a smart phone or camera – fully automatic point and shoot cameras are fine.
Berenice Chan: Four years ago, Berenice discovered through the virtual monastery “Abbey of the Arts” how to bring together her hobby photography and her spirituality into a Christian contemplative practice. This built on her understanding and practice of Benedictine and Ignatian spirituality gained through various retreats and the Spirituality Programme at Mount Street Jesuit Centre (now London Jesuit Centre). Berenice is passionate about using contemplative photography to connect with God, receive healing and convey God to others. Since retiring in 2020 she has studied further with Abbey of the Arts to develop her own rule for living a contemplative and creative life.