Newsletter - 17 September 2023
Launch Day - Let’s Celebrate
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Here we are, starting this new academic year together. I don’t know about you, but for me, there is a lot of excitement. My prayer for us this year is: “Surprise us Lord and guide us the way you want.” As I say very often, life is short, and we have to make the best of it right now.
This year, we are starting with our launch day. We want to celebrate together. There will be an opportunity to welcome the new parishioners, to get to know each other better, and basically chill out together. This Sunday, also, each group of the parish will have a stall in the large hall and in the pitch outside, during the café after Mass, where they will be happy to welcome us and to make us discover the heart of their missions.
Celebrating means also sharing a meal together. At Pentecost, we counted 23 languages in the parish, which means 23 cultures. And if these 23 cultures prepare a bit of food to share with one another, it will be a real heavenly banquet.
It will be an opportunity for me to share the big picture of the parish for this year. I can already tell you that it will be a year of celebration. Indeed, it will be 10 years next year that the parish has welcomed the Chemin-neuf community, and we would like to thank the Lord for this covenant.
Also, it will be the 50 years of Chicken Shed, which has, as you know, been very connected to the parish since its beginning and also has an important impact on the neighbourhood community.
The idea behind this Launch event is to help the parish community to grow together. The vision of our Parish is Church as a family, and that’s exactly what we want to experience more and more.
May the Lord bless each one of you, your families, and your friends.
Fr Christophe Brunet, ccn
Focus of the Week
Stay curious, Try Alpha…
For the explorers, open-minded, still thinking and curious. This gathering will take place on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm on 28 September to 7 December 2023.
All welcome, invite your friends too.
Cockfosters Sharing Groups
In our parish we emphasise the importance of fellowship and we have a number of small sharing groups to support this -- Cockfosters Sharing Groups (CSGs).
We believe that a Christian community is strengthened by supporting one another in friendship and prayer.
Sharing our joys and our difficulties helps us to build a strong Christian community.
The purpose of these small groups is to grow in faith through personal sharing of our lives in the light of the scriptures. They are for everyone: singles, couples or divorced, elderly or young and they are made up of 7 to 10 people who meet once every three or four weeks.
Launch evening - Saturday 30 September 6.30 to 8.30pm (cheese and wine provided).