Newsletter - 03 September 2023


Dear Parishioners,


A fews weeks ago the newsletter described some of the key events planned for the autumn and beyond.    Since these events are important to us as a parish I have taken the opportunity to share the information with you again.   

Launch Day:

We would like to start the new academic year together as a parish.  Let's gather on Sunday, 17 September for a bring and share meal during lunchtime. This will be an opportunity for us to reconnect and for newcomers to join us. Additionally, we will have the chance to discover all the groups and activities available in our parish.

Please save the date.

Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Knock Shrine 2023 :

Many of you have expressed the desire for a pilgrimage to Knock. I am pleased to announce that it will take place at the end of September. Please refer to the reverse of the newsletter and the website for further details.

Furthermore, following the success of our pilgrimage to Medjugorje in March, I am happy to inform you that we will organise another one for next May. For more information, contact Rasheeda : 07957558539

Five Days in the Green Abbey - Permaculture Project in Cornwall:

For the Season of Creation 2023, our parish will organise an "Ora et Labora" week (work and prayer) at Sclerder Abbey in Cornwall. The Green Abbey project embraces sustainability and is an exciting new permaculture endeavour situated on the grounds of a former Carmelite monastery. The plan is to experience and share the life of work and prayer with the members of the Chemin Neuf community residing there. It may be a joint experience with other parishes in our deanery.

Please save the date: Sunday 8 October (evening) to Friday 13 October.

More details will be provided during the launch day.

Fr Christophe Brunet, ccn

Parish Priest

Focus of the Week

Sacrament preparation

Registrations for Confirmation and First Holy Communion are required before the preparation classes begin.

Sacrament Of Confirmation

First session for Confirmation will be 19 September - 6.00-7.30pm.

Please contact Caterina Schifano:

First Holy Communion

First session for First Holy Communion will be 15 October – 9.45-10.45am.

Please contact Caterina Schifano:

Margaret Hanley:


Newsletter - 10 September 2023


Newsletter - 27 August 2023