Newsletter - 20 August 2023

Why Pilgrimage?

Since becoming a Catholic 30 years ago I have discoveredthe concepts of sacred spaces and pilgrimages. People travel not as tourists but with the intent of praying and encountering the presence of God in a special way. For example, parishioner Alec Knowles is soon to be walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain in memory of his late wife Claire and, as an added grace, to raise money for the North London Hospice where she spent her last days. Tim and Joe Selvaratnam and their families are doing a lighter version of this pilgrimage later in August. Caterina Schifano will be visiting Assisi in Italy not only to be close to St. Francis but to visit the tomb of Carlos Acutis, a newly canonised saint. Closer to home, every year the Westminster Diocese organises a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walshingham in Norfolk, the site where in 1061 a woman was given a vision of Mary’s house in Nazareth and asked to build a replica of the house. In November the Diocese is organizing the pilgrimage of all pilgrimages, a trip to the Holy Land. In spring our parish is planning another trip to Medjugorje, site of many appearances of Mary.

In late September the parish is sponsoring a short pilgrimage to Knock, Ireland. What happened at Knock and why do people still go there to pray? On a rainy night, 21 August, 1879, a group of peasants in the village of Knock saw an amazing vision against the wall of the village church - the virgin Mary standing with St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist by an altar. Above the altar was a cross and on the altar was a lamb.


It lasted 2 hours and about 15 people saw it. Knock soon became a place of pilgrimage. When I visited there in 2007, I was struck with how quiet and spacious it felt despite the crowds. On the original site a replica of the vision has been built. This “apparition” of Mary was striking in that it was silent - she did not say anything, but the gestures and body language of each person in the vision spoke volumes. Above all, the lamb on the altar is a testament of Christ’s sacrifice celebrated in the Eucharist, an unusual detail not often found in other Marian apparitions.


Every Christian should consider going on a pilgrimage sometime in their life. It may not be walking the 487 miles to the Shrine of St. James de Compostella or travelling with a group. But in some way to dedicate a special time and journey to visit a sacred place where God’s presence has been experienced in an extraordinary way. Go, offer yourself, and be open to receive a special grace.

Nancy Wood ccn

Focus of the Week


Last year many of you expressed enjoyment in having a combined Mass in August on Sundays. Therefore, this year, we will once again have only one Mass at 10:00 am, followed by tea and coffee. This will be a great opportunity to mingle and get to know each other better.

There is also no children’s liturgy during the month.


There will be no Adoration during August.

Notices of the Week

Download the newsletter to check out the notices of the week.

Bidding Prayers

Volunteer for the Parish


Newsletter - 27 August 2023


Newsletter - 13 August 2023