Newsletter - 14th May 2023
Dear Parishoners,
My name is Caterina, I am from Italy and a mum of four children. I moved to London
14 years ago with my family, and since then we slowly became parishioners at Christ the King.
I strongly believe that God calls each of us by name and as the ‘’Good Shepherd’’ takes care of us, one by one. All my life I have experienced His caring, providence, mercy and infinite Love for me.
God called me to be a mother and has given me many gifts. The most precious one is faith. Music and song give me the joy to praise and worship the Lord, and I have done this service in the Parish for many years when I used to live in Italy. Since last year I have joined Chiara’s choir group for the Sunday evening Mass and currently I’m leading our fantastic group for other liturgical times of the year, too. Through these gifts I have always found and followed my Lord , Jesus Christ.
Today Jesus is asking me to accept another of his gifts : to serve Him as Pastoral Assistant in the parish of Christ the King, a wonderful community that I have always felt as my family in God.
Please pray with me that I can be an instrument in God’s hands, live and share with joy and enthusiasm this new journey with all of you, while surrendering entirely to God’s love and trust.
All for the Glory of God!
Caterina Schifano
Focus of the Week
Thursday 18 May
Mass times will be 11.00am and 7.00pm.
Saturday 27 May 8.00 - 9.30pm
An evening to praise the Lord, welcome the Holy Spirit and an opportunity for baptism in the Holy Spirit and prayers for renewal. The prayer ministry will be run by the UK members of the Community.
The speaker will be Sumar Alandary, a member of the Chemin Neuf Community from Lebanon and currently head of Storrington Priory.