Newsletter - 28 April 2024
Au Revoir
Dear Parishioners
As I mentioned at all masses last weekend, after 10 years of blessings in the parish the Lord is calling me to a new mission. I have been asked to go back to France to take charge of a new parish entrusted to the Chemin Neuf Community in Grenoble.
I still remember when I first arrived with Fr Sebastian and Albert. I entered into the church and felt at home straight away. We wanted a church as a family and indeed I have felt part of a family, and I thank the Lord for what I have experienced all these years. However, I think that this is the right time for me to move on. I am sure the parish will continue to grow and flourish.
I will be officially leaving the parish at the end of July and Fr Pascal will become Parish Priest from 1 August. I am pleased to tell you Fr Albert Zongo will be coming back to the parish to assist Fr Pascal, details to be confirmed.
Please save the date for a final AU REVOIRE on Saturday 29 June. I will be delighted to see everyone. Also, on Sunday 30 June, Cardinal Vincent Nichols will be presiding at the 11am Mass to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the parish welcoming Chemin Neuf Community.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the friendship and support I have received over the years.
God bless you.
Fr Christophe Brunet, ccn
Focus of the Week
We will be having an evening of praise and workshop to welcome the Spirit of Pentecost. The theme will be The Holy Spirit In My Daily Life.
Saturday 18 May at 8pm followed by refreshments in the large hall.
To celebrate Pentecost there will also be a Bring and Share Lunch on Sunday 19 May after 11am mass following the usual tea and coffee.
Please see Caterina for more details.