Newsletter - 22nd May 2022
For a Synodal Church, Diocese of Westminster Bishops’ Report
In January, the parishes of the diocese submitted a report on what parishioners had shared about their experience of the church. These responses were summarised and presented at a diocesan gathering in February. Last month, the bishops released a report which, together with the reports from other dioceses, will shape the agenda of the Synod to be held in Rome in October 2023.
What was learned from the parishes in this first phase of the synod preparations? Cardinal Nichols highlighted four points:
1) a deep love for the Church;
2) a sensitivity shown towards those who are 'missing', who feel left out or distanced;
3) a need to listen to voices outside of ourselves;
4) all is found in Christ alone.
Points 3 and 4 were especially significant in the bishops’ report.
The need to listen: The word accompaniment often appeared in the responses from parishes. Pope Francis uses the word to describe the pastoral mission of the church - people need to be accompanied by the church. They must be met where they are and as they are, whoever they are. Only walking with others (the root meaning of the word “synod”) can we meaningfully share our faith with others.
Accompaniment was seen as the task of the whole parish community. Everyone associated with the parish needs to be accompanied in one form or another: active members, those who are distant or have withdrawn from the parish, neighbours from other churches, religions and cultures, as well those in need or distress.
All is found in Christ This was the Cardinal’s major point.
Christ’s presence is crucial … His presence always remains. Without him, we are lost. We have talked about everyone being accepted. Our sense of being accepted as we are, begins with him. He accepts us. Because he accepts us, then we can live. We have talked about being non-judgmental and offering forgiveness. Our experience and sense of being forgiven for what we have done is rooted in him. He, the Christ, is the source of forgiveness. We find forgiveness in him. We have spoken of our dreams for the Church. Our sense of being encouraged in what we dream starts with the words of Jesus when he issues his invitations, 'Come follow me’ or 'Come and see' … All is to befound in him alone.
The full Bishops’ report can be found online: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission - Diocese of Westminster (
Deacon Ted Wood, ccn
Focus of the Week
The Chosen
Tuesday 24 May 8.00- 9.30pm
The series introduces us to Jesus through the eyes of his followers as they come to know him. We will be watching one episode in the church together to introduce the series.
All are welcome
Pentecost Weekend
Pentecost Prayer Group
Saturday 4 June 8.00 - 9.30 pm
To praise the Lord, Welcome the Holy Spirit and an opportunity for prayer ministry
Parish Pentecost Party
Sunday 5 June 12.30 - 3.00pm
A bring and share gathering on the pitch to celebrate Pentecost as a Church Family.