Newsletter - 1st May 2022
The Prayer Centre
The Prayer Centre opened 43 years ago on Ascension Thursday. Each year hundreds of people come for prayer. During this time we have seen the power of Jesus to heal. Many peoples’ lives have been changed by an increase in faith, as well as receiving healing in spirit, mind and body.
The Prayer Centre is run by a team of volunteers who come from various Christian Churches and, in fact, a number of people have come for prayer not only from different Christian denominations but also from different Faith Communities.
There is no appointment system. The team pray together in two’s and the person coming for prayer will be directed to one of these as soon as possible. If a person is very sick and finds it difficult to wait please tell the receptionist.
All that is shared between the Prayer Ministers and the person/s requesting prayer is absolutely confidential.
In John 14 verse 22 Jesus said “Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my Name.”
As we learn to use the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, so God’s promise is revealed.
The following testimonies are just a small sample of what we have encountered in what one young woman described as “this special place”.
Mrs X: a hairdresser, was a lapsed Catholic when she first attended the Prayer Centre at the suggestion of a friend. She was in shock following a diagnosis of lung cancer and the prospect of chemotherapy. She says she was always a believer in God but lost her faith in religion through the aggressive behaviour of her alcoholic father towards her mother, whilst he professed he was a Catholic. She declares her whole personality was totally transformed as a result of the prayer she has received and has come to know Jesus as her personal saviour. She is full of inner peace and strength and has lost her fear of cancer. Whilst she prays irregularly, Mrs X says she talks to God and is aware of Him most of the day. She is blooming and says she feels a fraud in the waiting room as she no longer looks ill.
A young mum: a member of our parish, who was diagnosed with breast cancer. The cancer has since spread to her spine. She came to the Centre for prayer some years ago and through the power of Jesus healing love, she continues to live a full life.
How do we pray, a word from Scripture:
The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannon express… the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. (Rm.8:26-27)
Maura Hickey
Focus of the Week
Sunday Evening Mass
Sunday 15 May 2022 – 5:30pm
This is the first of three masses that will be offered on Sunday evenings : 15 May 2022, 19 June 2022 and 10 July 2022. These masses will have an informal atmosphere with music followed by refreshments.
White Water Rafting
A group of parishioners, alongside Father Christophe, will be participating in a "white water rafting" event at Lea Valley on Sunday 8 May 2022.
To make this ordeal worthwhile for those taking part we hope to raise some money to support the work that Fr Sebastian is doing in the Philippines and also for Ukrainian projects.
Collections will be taking place after masses next weekend. Thank you in advance for your support.