Newsletter - 17 April 2022
Christ is risen!
He is truly risen!
This is an ancient greeting used by Christians at Easter. After journeying with Jesus to the Cross, where He took on the sins of the world, the resurrection is the sign that darkness, sin, and evil are ultimately conquered. It is good news, especially when the darkness seems to be winning at times.
Welcome to Christ the King Parish to those of you who may be visiting for the first time or have just returned after the pandemic. We strive to be a parish where the presence of the risen Christ is real! Our website says “where church is a family,” meaning we don’t just show up for Sunday Mass, but participate in the life of the church. Check out the website and you will see the many ways in which you can become part of the family – there’s something for every age.
You will see that as Christians we are called to participate in the “Five Essentials” of spiritual life. It’s not a perfect system but we try to offer you ways to do this through:
Worship and Prayer
Fellowship and Belonging
Growing in Faith – includes courses and retreats
Service – so many opportunities to serve
Inviting others
If you are new to the Parish, please identify yourself to the priest or someone in the Welcome Team (the people with the badges).
May the Lord Bless you, your families and your friends.
Fr Christophe Brunet, ccn
Please download the Easter schedule above and share with your friends
Focus of the Week
An evening with Jo Collins and Friends
7.30pm - Friday 6 May
Join us for an evening’s entertainment with Jo and her band with music for all tastes. Tickets are £5 which will include snacks. Drinks can be purchased at the bar.
Buy your tickets at the office or after selected masses. Proceeds towards the work of the Parish.