Newsletter - 24th October 2021
The Synod on a Synodal Church
As you may have heard, bishops from around the world will meet in Rome for a “Synod on a Synodal Church” in October 2023. It might sound a bit strange - like a meeting to decide how to meet. In fact, great hope is placed on this Synod. It is to be a time, Pope Francis says, “to inspire people to dream about the Church
we are called to be … and to strengthen our hands for our common mission.”
We can better appreciate the Pope’s vision by distinguishing the meaning of two words. Synod is a noun which comes from a Greek word meaning “walking or journeying together”. It refers to a meeting, usually of bishops or clergy, to make decisions for the whole church. Synodal is an adjective that refers to the way in which we “journey together” as the church. The key factors in journeying together are listening and discerning.
It begins with listening to all the baptised, with special care taken to include those who are often left out. By listening carefully to each other, we are able to hear how the Holy Spirit is speaking to each person and thus, discern what God is saying to all of us, the whole church.
In common terms, the Synod on a Synodal Church is a synod to better listen to each other and discern the path that God is calling the church to walk together. Its aim is to move forward with our common mission, united in communion and with everyone having a part to play. Its objectives are summed up by three words – Communion, Participation, Mission.
The Diocese of Westminster will provide assistance to help parishes engage in this “synodal process”. This “synodal process” begins this month, October, 2021. Each parish is asked to reflect on the question of how the Church carries out her mission of proclaiming the Gospel, by considering two things:
how we already “journey together” in our parish community
how the Spirit is inviting us to grow in our “journeying together” More information is available on the diocesan synod website.
In our parish Deacon Ted Wood will coordinate synod activities, assisted by Helena Worley. If you would like to help with this important work, speak to Fr Christophe or Deacon Ted. More information will follow soon.
Focus of the week
Parish appeal project: A window on improvements
After the huge success of the Parish coming together to decorate both halls, we would like to finish the job by having the windows and French doors leading onto the garden replaced.
This will not only improve the cosmetics, both internally and externally, but will provide more efficient insulation, improve the security and increase the potential of fund-raising through hall hire.
It will also include replacing the doors in the library corridor and small hall with a proper Fire Exit. This work needs to be done professionally. So, on this occasion, it is your donations, not your time, being requested. The total to be raised is £20,000 and we will be starting the Appeal on 24th October. As usual, we are grateful for all donations no matter how large or small.