Newsletter - 15th August 2021
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
I have often been drawn to the beauty of a religious painting in order to increase my desire to know more about the life of Jesus and his followers, as well as an aid to my prayer.
Over past years, the catechists of both the First Holy Communion and Confirmation groups have at times chosen famous religious paintings, for example ‘The supper at Emmaus’ by Carravaggio; then taken the children on a visit to the National Gallery in London to discover its beauty. We believed that the artisty and power of the painting helped the children to a greater understanding and appreciation of the gospel passage.
On today’s beautiful feast of The Assumption, a day to honour Mary, I have been captivated by Francesco Botticini’s masterpiece ‘Assumption of the Virgin’, which is also displayed in the National Gallery. In this painting we see Mary has ascended into heaven after death, her tomb at the bottom of the painting filled with lilies surrounded by the bewildered disciples. She kneels before Jesus, he blesses her, they are bathed in a golden light, heaven and earth united. They are surrounded by ranks of angelic beings, saints and Old Testament figures. Mary with Jesus is centre stage; this is what speaks to me…. the image of Mary so close to Jesus, I am reminded of her humility, of her openness and obedience to God. Again, I am lured by the radiant light reminding me of our salvation, of the reality of God’s promise of resurrection. I really could stand before this painting for a long time and not be bored, its power evokes meaning to me that cannot be replicated by words.
For now, we trust in God as we try each day to follow the example of Mary, looking forward to the time when we too will all be together in God’s beautiful heaven surrounded by glorious light in the joy of God’s love for ever.
Praise and thank God today for this beautiful feast of the Assumption, for Mary, Mother of Christ and his Body, the church.
- Giulia Kemp
Focus of the week
Parish Celebration & Giu
lia’s Farewell
This will be an opportunity for all those who have known Giulia over the years to come along and wish her well.
Please save the date : Saturday 18th September.
We are all very sad to see Giulia leave us at the end of August. We know many of you have wonderful memories of her working with your families. We are organising a Farewell Thank You collection for her. If you would like to contribute to this please leave your gift with Suzanne in the parish office. Thank you!