Newsletter - 25th July 2021
Summer Break
Dear parishioners,
I hope all of you are well with this lovely weather we have had for a few weeks now.
All of you deserve a rest after the “interesting” year we have had. Even though it is not easy to go on Holidays at the moment we hope that you all get a chance to take a rest, slow down and take advantage of the summer.
As you know from Monday 19th July the restrictions due to Covid-19 have been officially lifted. However, following the statement from the Catholic Bishops of England (you can find it on the website or in the Church), as a parish we will be adopting a cautious approach to capacity and activity within our buildings.
Please, find below some guidance for our parish, for the coming weeks:
We should still use the hand sanitiser on entry to the church and for the time being continue wearing masks during mass.
Please continue to use the QR code to sign in on your smartphone or sign in using the slips or the register.
We will keep social distancing in the church (large hall still available for 11.00am Mass on Sunday)
The main touch points in church will be cleaned once a day, although we no longer need the stewards for entry or cleaning after every Mass.
The following remain suspended here for now: Communion from the chalice, the offertory procession, the physical sign of peace, bidding prayers and holy water in the stoups.
The collection will continue to be taken on the way out.
Singing is now allowed so please sing along (with your masks) alongside the videos. Hopefully we will have live music in September.
A big thank you to those that have helped with maintaining the running of the parish in all areas during these difficult times.
Have a lovely and blessed summer.
Focus of the week
Parish Celebration & Giulia’s Farewell
Saturday 18th September 2021
This will be an opportunity for all those who have known Giulia over the years to come along and wish her well.
Please save the date!