Newsletter - 05 March 2023
Liturgy and Art
In our atrium program, we introduce children to the liturgical year by talking about colour. The great Feasts (Christmas and Easter) are white “like light.” They are preceded by periods of preparation (purple) - Advent and Lent. “After the Feast” is green, growing time. Red is for Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came on the disciples like fire.
Also behind the altar in the church are the lovely liturgical banners which change seasonally from Christ the King to Christmas or Easter.
Over the years I’ve been in the parish I’ve noticed the beautiful displays in the corridor that lead to the Hall where, as the sign proclaims, “we extend the liturgy by sharing friendship over tea and coffee.” These are created by Jacqueline Field Bibb and Anne Palfrey and are carefully planned out to alert us to changes in the liturgical season and help us ponder them more deeply.
Last Sunday we began with Jesus’ temptations in the desert and this week you will see a depiction of the Transfiguration. As Jacqueline explained to me, in the Temptations Jesus affirms his understanding of his sonship while in the Transfiguration it’s God affirming the same from a heavenly perspective. For Sundays 3, 4 and 5 she has chosen the gospels from Year A, the great baptismal passages from John’s gospel: the woman at the well, the man born blind, and the raising of Lazarus. This “crossing of the Jordan” (our baptism) towards the “Promised Land” (heaven) symbolically propels us from Palm/Passion Sunday to the Triduum (Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday) when the Son remains faithfully at one with his God. At the Easter Vigil, our joy explodes into the ancient hymn, the Exsultet, which proclaims the resurrection.
So as we journey through Lent, then through the 50 days of Easter to Pentecost, keep an eye open for these themes along the corridor and “extend the liturgy” by joining us for tea and coffee after Mass!
Nancy Wood, ccn
Focus of the Week
Saturday, 11 March, 9am to 4pm
Offered by Cockfosters Centre for Spirituality and Chemin Neuf Community, this day of retreat provides two forms of prayer. These are Christian Meditation with Josephine von Zitewitz in the morning and Praying with Scripture with Deacon Ted Wood in the afternoon. Lunch is provided.
A donation toward costs is welcomed. Register through the parish office.
As in previous years The Stations of the Cross will be recited each Friday in Lent. Options are 10am (followed by the 11am mass) and 6pm (followed by time of adoration).