Newsletter - 4 December 2022
Friday abstinence
The Bishops’ Conference urges all Catholics to refresh their weekly observance of Friday abstinence by refraining from eating meat on that day. In this way we dedicate to God the pressing need for us all to live more simply.
A recent study at Cambridge University published research suggesting that this penitential act has a considerable impact on reducing carbon emissions by 55,000 tonnes each year. This is equivalent to 82,000 people taking return flights between New York and London.
In abstaining from meat on Fridays, we also act in solidarity with those who face hunger and poverty every day, with the care of creation, by recognising the environmental impact of meat production and in memory of the death of Christ, by which our broken relationships with each other and with God’s creation are healed.
Source: CBCEW
Focus of the Week
Sunday 25 December
INVITATIONS to the Open Day are available in the entrance hall. Please take one if you would like to come or know of anyone who would be alone on Christmas day.
Please complete a form and return to the parish office as soon as possible.
Please can you spare an hour or two on Christmas Day to help serve the lunch and/or wash up? If so, please complete a form and indicate the slot you are available for. If you have any queries please contact the parish office.