Newsletter - 16 October 2022
Finance Committee Appeal
Following the positive engagement after last weekend’s Finance Committee appeal, we are sharing the same information in the newsletter.
Our parish is very blessed to have a beautiful church and impressive grounds. Since the Chemin Neuf joined the Parish many essential repairs and renovations have been undertaken; funded by significant donations and legacies, a loan and a grant from the Diocese of Westminster and of course monies from the weekly offertory.
As we make a commitment to attend Mass, we also make a commitment to support the parish by our financial support which is the Parish’s sole source of finance for the day to day running of our parish; relying completely on offertory collections for the maintenance and upkeep of the church.
Just like your own household, our parish must meet every day running costs, set money aside for emergencies and projects as well as pay for property repairs and renewals. Currently we have workmen repairing the concrete around all the external windows to stop water seeping into the building. What and how you contribute to the parish makes a huge difference!
With Fr Christophe, the Finance Committee is committed to ensuring that the parish is financially secure and able to continue improving the parish buildings for everyone to enjoy and benefit.
As mentioned like any household we, the Finance committee must manage the parish finances to meet the bills. And so, we are appealing to parishioners to consider how they give money to the church. If you make a weekly offertory cash donation, could you consider committing to making this payment a regular standing order to the parish? Standing order payments make a real difference to our parish as it provides secure regular income that is easy to process and allows the parish to budget our outgoings against expected income.
Another major way to help and commit to the Parish finances is for all tax payers to Gift Aid their donations. This means if you pay UK Tax payer and sign a Gift Aid form, for every £1 you donate the Parish receives a further 25p. Should your tax status change this arrangement can be cancelled at any time. For example, if you commit to £5 per week, over the year, the church would be able to claim £60 tax, without any additional cost to yourself, making your commitment go further.
Standing orders and Gift Aid forms are available from the parish office, can be downloaded from this newsletter as well as being available on our website and are appealing to you to consider changing the way you donate to the parish.
Thank you for your continues support
Sheila Scott, Chair of the Finance Committee
Focus of the Week
Unity Of Christian Visits
Christ Church Cockfosters, Sunday 23 October at 6 pm.
As part of our commitment to work for Christian Unity we would like, as a parish community, to visit some of our neighbouring churches and invite you to do the same.
St Andrews Southgate; Taize service
Sunday 6 November at 6 pm.
Please consider going along to these services. It would be a great opportunity for all of us to experience another way of worshipping.