Newsletter - 02 October 2022

Our Common Home Project

The created things of this world are not free of ownership: 'For they are yours, O Lord, who love the living.' (Wisdom 11:26)

Pope Francis reminds us that as part of the universe, called into being by one Father, we are all connected by unseen bonds and together we form a universal family that excludes nothing and no one. But this interconnected fraternity, as we all know, is enduring a social and environmental crisis which threatens the very survival of life on earth. Everybody is at risk, but the poorest are hit first and the hardest.

Our Common Home Project, inspired by the Gospels and embedded in Laudato SI', is about fostering a 'change of heart' in our parish community that will inspire all of us to work together towards a parish that lives simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor.

It is a challenge, but if together, we are prepared to learn and change our ways, we will succeed in achieving our 'ecological conversion'. We need your help, your enthusiasm, your knowledge and expertise to further develop the Our Common Home Project. Come and join the team.

Fellow parishioners, let us listen to the voice of creation, that spiritual, sacred force that 'moves forward with us and through us towards a common point of arrival which is God.' (Laudato Si')

Let us thank the Father, the source of everything that exists, to increase our capacity to change to bring about a new reality, a common home that reflects His kingdom.

Helena Worley

Common Home Project Team

Focus of the Week


Thursday 6 October, 7:30 to 9:00 pm

Alpha is a series of session exploring the Christian faith.

Each talk looks at the different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.

The evening will consist of a meal, a film and sharing time.

Cockfosters Sunday evening Mass

Sunday evening Mass will continue at 5:30 p.m on 16 October and 20 November and every third Sunday of the month there after.


Newsletter - 9 October 2022


Newsletter - 25 September 2022