Newsletter - 21st August 2022
When I see the narrow door,
I sigh that my ways are too
wide to enter. Watch me try
– how upsetting!
I must trim all excess
that the Lord may recognise me –
the one he created from seed,
seeing then the blossom I would be.
I set my heart at the entrance and cry.
I’m defeated yet puffed up with pride.
I do not try so hard anymore.
My Lord, I am yours.
Carry me over the threshold of this narrow door.
Squeeze me in to your sway.
For one so weak, it is the only way.
Rita A Simmonds
Rita A Simmonds ( is an award-winning poet. She is the author of a memoir entitled Convicted by Mercy : The Journey of Frank Simmonds from the streets to Sanctity, and four books of poetry, her latest being He Called.
Focus of the Week
10 September 2022 – 7.00pm
Tickets are now on sale for a celebration of Sri Lankan culture. It will include a meal, traditional music and dance. Tickets are £20 and can be purchased from the parish office. All proceeds from the event will go to the work of the parish.
Please remember that during August the two Sunday morning masses will be combined into one mass at 10.00am (tea and coffee will still be provided after this mass).
Our daily masses are continuing throughout August. They take place at 11am, Monday to Saturday but, there is no mass on Tuesdays.