Newsletter - 15 December
Gaudete Sunday
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.
Indeed, the Lord is near.” Philippians 4:4–5
The Third Sunday of Advent is known as ‘Gaudete Sunday’, from the first word of the entrance antiphon at Mass, ‘Rejoice ...!’ (Phil. 4: 4.5). This same joy is also evident today in the First Reading (Zeph 3: 14–18) and the Psalm, as well as in the passage from Philippians; a joyful and energising call for jubilation that echoes throughout the readings.
The words “joy” and “rejoice” appear over 300 times in the Bible. Joy is a sign of Christian maturity and an expression of gratitude. According to Scripture, we can rejoice always!
How can we express gratitude to God? We can rejoice in everything He has given. There are many examples:
Rejoice with food. Deuteronomy 12:7
Rejoice in God’s love. Psalm 31:7
Rejoice in God’s words. Psalm 104:34
Rejoice in God’s promises. Psalm 119:162
Rejoice in sufferings. Romans 5:3–5; Colossians 1:24
Rejoice with others who rejoice. Romans 12:15
Rejoice in fellowship. Philippians 4:1
Rejoice in trials. James 1:2–4
St Paul’s letter to the Philippians (Second Reading) opens by encouraging us always to be joyful in the Lord.
I might try to imagine that St Paul wrote this letter to me. “[My name], rejoice in the Lord always ... The Lord is near “.
In what way does this help my waiting for the Lord today? Are there challenges in my life which make it difficult for me to express joy or feel joy this Advent?
Our Advent journeying and anticipation is nearly over. We are preparing to celebrate both the coming of the Christ Child into our world, and the wonderful promise of the Good News that God is always close at hand.
Maybe we can simply rest in the presence of our loving God and feel the peace of heart and mind that Jesus is giving to each of us.
We know we are loved by a joyful God. Let us pray this week for the gift of joy, a gift from the Holy Spirit, and share the Good News of this love with others so that all may have a peaceful and joyful Christmas.
Caterina Schifano
Focus of the Week
Adoration & Reconciliation
Rather than one Advent Reconciliation Service this year, Confessions will be available each Sunday from 4.00-5.00pm together with Adoration in the church.
Letter writing is also possible, come and take advantage of this special time during Advent.
Confessions are also available
Monday – Friday 6.00 – 7.00pm.