Newsletter – 24 March 2024
The Great Three Days
Thursday, we begin the Easter Triduum (pronounced Tri-du-um), the great Three Days (three days because of the Jewish tradition of the day beginning with sunset -Thursday evening to Sunday evening).
We have to see the Triduum as one great liturgical act. We enter the liturgy on Thursday evening and do not leave till Easter. There is no dismissal that night. The priests leave in silence. On Friday there is no entrance rite and again, no dismissal. It is a kind of choreography, a three-day journey, full of dignity and grandeur, ending with the Easter Vigil.
The Holy Thursday liturgy is often not well attended, but it is a vital part of this one liturgical act. At the Last Supper Jesus and his disciples are celebrating the Passover meal as they did every year. But now Jesus gives it new meaning. He takes the unleavened bread and says, “This is my body. . .” He takes the wine representing the lambs slain to protect the Israelites in Egypt and says, “This is my blood. . . “
In this way, he prepares his closest friends for what is to come. Think of what Calvary would be without the Last Supper – a brutal act of violence. Holy Thursday changes its character completely. It becomes a tremendous act of self-giving love. He says, “I will die tomorrow, but I will die for you.” The meaning is given before the event. First, he said, then he did. He gave himself freely out of love. They did not take his life. All evil and hatred were taken up in his great act of self-giving love.
Reliving Jesus’ Last Supper helps us enter the rest of the Triduum. After the Holy Thursday liturgy, before going home, we pray in silence before the Blessed Sacrament, recalling his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. The next day is quieter, fasting and avoiding premature Easter celebrations as we accompany Jesus to the cross. Saturday we can finish our Easter preparations, eat simple meals, and continue to wait quietly for the culmination of the Triduum - the triumph and victory of Resurrection. Lent is over and the celebration can begin!
Nancy Wood, ccn
Focus of the Week
Tuesday 26 March – 7.30pm – 9pm
In preparation for Easter we will be having our annual Lenten Service of Reconciliation. There will be an opportunity for personal confession.
Saturday 27 April – 6.30pm
Tickets £12.50 Children £5.
£3 per game book includes 5 score cards.
We would be grateful for any donated prizes which can be left in the parish office.