CAFOD is the official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales. They work through the local Church to reach people and places others can’t, and our support has a truly global impact. This is how our money is spent.

"For every £1 that you donate, CAFOD will spend 79p  on international development, emergencies, campaigning and education work, 11p to generate future income and  10p to support costs to run the organisation  Of the 79p spent on international development, emergencies, campaigning and education, the breakdown is the following:

  • 42p is spent to fund our international programmes work;

  • 30p is spent on emergencies and disaster relief;

  • 7p is spent on advocacy and UK education."

It is thanks to the  work of volunteers in parishes and the wider community that  CAFOD inspires people to pray, give and act in solidarity with our brother and sisters around the world.